Monday 29 April 2013


The exotic pets are animals that is very stranger have as a pet.
One of the exotic pet that attract my attention is the ferret.  This animal isn't so exotic as animal as pet yet.
The ferret are mammal and carnivorous. They are absolutely domestic.

Some details of they characteristics are that they lives five to eight years. they weight three kilogram at the most the males, and one point two kilogram at the most the female. They eats 20 to 40 gramme of food for day. They can have a litter of seven to fourteen little ferrets.
They need over 30 y to 35 %  of protein and twenty percent of fat.

The minimum measure for keep the ferret from 55 to  40 centimeters. They support temperature about 15 and 25 degree.

The ferrets can sick too, and some of the most common problems of health are cardiac and intestinal. It's so dangerous have a ferret as a pet with a child in the house, because generally the ferrtes swallow little toys that be in any place of the room.

The ferrets are more recognize day to day, and they are so tender and harmless.

I hope that you can learn more about ferrets with this text.

Monday 22 April 2013

Theodor Adorno

The person that I admire is called Theodor Adorno. Adorno was a philopher, that studys sociology, psychology and musicology. He was born on september 11th in 1903 in Frankfurt, Germany, and he died  in august 6th in 1969 in Viége, Switzerland.
Adorno, is considered one of the most important representative of the Fráncfort School, and the critical theory of Marxist inspiration.
To the final of 1940, ended the war world II, he come back to Frankfurt after leave the country escaped of the Nazi regime. When he lived in the exile, in U.S.A., he wrote "dialectics of the enlightenment" with Max Horkheimer. In 1940, he assume the charge of director of the "Social Investigation Institute", and revive the "Fráncfort School of the Critical Theory". Her theory continue in the line of the analyze of the rationalism like a instrument for the liberty and the control, and the critic of the capitalism society like a restriction of the form  of thought and the action.
I admire Adorno, because he not only made an invaluable contribution for the society, with the inspiration of the young movement of protest, also as an academic that made a contribution for the Fráncfort School.
I'll leave a video with a little of his story:

Monday 15 April 2013

Hi! how are you today?
Well, Now I'll tell you about my favorite band. It's so complicated for me choose only one, but I will try to do.

My favorite singer is Pascuala Ilabaca. the music that she makes mix ethnic tradition with Chilean folklore.
She participates in a group too, it name is Samadi, and is ethnic music, that mix music from India, Africa  and Europe. She is influence for Janis Joplin, because she likes the female work "in a world that usually be manly".

I like Pascuala because her music are so varied, and mix culture; besides, she are female and Chilean.For other side, I like that we...the women can be listen in the society. For that, my favorite song is "Violeta y Frida". This song talk about two great female artist that it wasn't important from the own country. This women are Violeta Parra and Frida Khalo a little more of her story is in the song... I hope that you like.

Monday 8 April 2013

My autobiography

     My full name is Constanza Flores Larco. I'm 18 years old, and I live in Santiago. I was born in San Felipe, and I live all my life in Llay Llay, a little town in the V region. I comeback to my town all the weekend. My birthday is on May 1rt, the worker day. We are six siblings, I'm the younger. I have two cousins that they are like my brothers too.
     I went to the same school all my life, from primary to high school. Its name is Verdoyham School, and be  in Llay Llay, in a hill. It's so cool because we had nature all day. In 2012 I registered at the Universidad de Chile. I study sociology, and I be in the year two of five or maybe more. I like the university and the place where I live now, so I don't miss so much to my family or town.
     When I was ten a friend of my mom come to Chile, from USA. She have a dougther more younger than me, I send letters for her and she answer with other letters and presents, like stikers or toys or something like that. We think that I could go to see her and her family, but nothing of that work, nevertheless, we chat still, so I hope can go to USA to see they.
     I want to travel to Latin America too, because, I don't know very much places, but I would like to go.
     This is a part of my life, very little. You can know something more about me after.