Monday 8 April 2013

My autobiography

     My full name is Constanza Flores Larco. I'm 18 years old, and I live in Santiago. I was born in San Felipe, and I live all my life in Llay Llay, a little town in the V region. I comeback to my town all the weekend. My birthday is on May 1rt, the worker day. We are six siblings, I'm the younger. I have two cousins that they are like my brothers too.
     I went to the same school all my life, from primary to high school. Its name is Verdoyham School, and be  in Llay Llay, in a hill. It's so cool because we had nature all day. In 2012 I registered at the Universidad de Chile. I study sociology, and I be in the year two of five or maybe more. I like the university and the place where I live now, so I don't miss so much to my family or town.
     When I was ten a friend of my mom come to Chile, from USA. She have a dougther more younger than me, I send letters for her and she answer with other letters and presents, like stikers or toys or something like that. We think that I could go to see her and her family, but nothing of that work, nevertheless, we chat still, so I hope can go to USA to see they.
     I want to travel to Latin America too, because, I don't know very much places, but I would like to go.
     This is a part of my life, very little. You can know something more about me after.


  1. wow! that is a very interesting life! nice blog.

  2. hi coni :)
    I miss you, today see you a little time, but tomorrow i hope see you and hug you :D

  3. Hi coni
    is very beautiful your blog, and hope yo can travel to latin america :D

  4. Coni! your blog is very nice! :) I hope you travel to anywhere you want, because you are a beautyful person and I know that enjoy a lot everywhere you go.
    I'd like to know more about your life!!

    Hugs and kisses! take care beauty coni ^^
